When pain becomes subtext, the writer can call the editing done.✅

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Nailed it. Plus you gotta think about every word.😁

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Mordant, sad, hilarious. The trifecta.

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Thanks, love. Toby: the who are you that keeps on giving.

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I turned 77 in August, I found so many things that you experienced and wrote about to my musings when my mother passed. Thank you so much for sharing! ❤️ Happy Birthday🎉

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Laurie Stone

Happy almost birthday! Mine is October 26. I'll be 53. I loved these candid snapshots into your past. Thank you for opening up your heart and allowing yourself to be vulnerable with your memories. Moms are so complicated. Mine died in 2018 from Alzheimer's disease but she wasn't my mom in the end, just a mere shell of the person I once knew. I miss her everyday. And like you, I look in the mirror now and see her looking back at me. She loved Etta James, Louise Armstrong and the Beatles.

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Happy almost birthday to you as well. I gotta tell you, if I actually felt vulnerable, I think the writing wouldn't allow the reader to enter it. I'm not quibbling with you. I know what you mean. I seem to want to keep telling people the creation of a narrator who talks candidly is artifice. Also, ignore me. xxL

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So good! Mothers and daughters intertwined like the inimitable double helix. Wonderful work. Wishing you the best for this birthday week! Hugs!

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Thanks, love. Boy, am I milking this birthday! I don't know what's gotten into me. I usually let them pass in the night. xxL

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Some great memories. I relate to many, but I'll go with the red blob. I had one of those a few years ago which scared the daylight out of me until I remembered having a beetroot salad the day before. Phew :)

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Laurie! These snippets are so so good. I aspire to writing like this, through practice and reading and germinating. It’s like this narrator is a stream. It’s the way she she spills over or splashes momentarily against or eddies around what lies beneath.

Happy birthday, fellow Libran!

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Thanks! It was a beautiful day.

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I thoroughly enjoy your writing! You are a breath of fresh air in my life..... it's like sitting with an old friend having an intimate conversation knowing the whole time that you are fully understood and cared for... I got your book "streaming now" and I love it ❤️

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Oh, darling, so happy to hear. And huge thanks for buying the book!

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Laurie Stone

i loved when toby lied about your age and said you were safe with her. and i guffawed at what she said about alzheimer's: "by then i'll be too dumb to understand what i have." there's so much love shimmering off the page (or the screen?) tho never in a treacly way. such pleasure in reading your back-and-forth banter. i can see her in you. quite the char-act-uh! and wow your mega-watt smile.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Laurie Stone

Loved these. What comes through most of all, Laurie, undergirding the complexities, cruelties, misunderstandings and all the rest of you and Toby, is the deep intimacy and mutual love. A very happy birthday!

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Thanks so much.

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Thank you for your delightful stories of memories with time with your mother! 🤗 I know with each piece, you share part of your soul.

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I definitely open up my writing practice. If there is some soul in that, well okay. Huge thanks for you interest in my work.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Laurie Stone

You’re too thin, Laurie. You should eat more.

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Said no one to me ever!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Laurie Stone

Happy birthday, Cuz. I'm right behind you (77 December 12th). I've gone from being the youngest one at school to the .oldest one on my block. Your paternal grandfather, Sam Stone, who lived, I believe, to the age of 81 or 82, is my maternal great-grandfather, and but for him, no man on either of my parent's sides has lived longer than me. Yeeesh!

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Brilliant! "She stole my beauty." Chilling and familiar.

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So weird, the scarcity mentality, but understandable. Thanks for your support. xxL

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Laurie Stone

This is the second piece of yours I've read. You still make me feel like we're in a booth somewhere and I'm an old friend. I'm trying to learn who you are and who your family is, comparing it to my life, and wishing my mom and I had talked more (and we were close). Looking forward to reading and learning more. Thank you.

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I'm so glad you feel this way. In truth, my mother and I were not close at all. Lucky you, that you had that with your mom.

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I'm catching up with you. Next April, I'll be there. Happy birthday!

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