"My fears about the world are your fears about the world. In 1968, I thought it would always be 1968. I was wrong, and I was right."

Reliving the rough political days. Cookies are needed.

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Damn it Laurie! You hit a blind mind spot. I can't recall if HAL opened the pod door for Dave. I sat in the front row 2001 Space Odessey in Hollywood, stoned with a group of friends. 1968. The Day The Music Died. RFK

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Of course he did not open the pod door! That's why HAL dead. xxL

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Open the pod bay doors, Hal. I'm afraid I can't do that Dave

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BTW The Chocolate Chippers in NYC. Great ! I cheat. No t a baker. It's SuperBowl Sunday. I am dedicated to Patrick Mahomes , Chiefs and Andy Reid. Ed bbq a primo steak from Costco (his fav place) I bakers. salad AND the piece de resistance. 12 Nestle Toll House bakers alll prepared for oven. It's going to be a great day !

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Go Chiefs!!! I bought some donuts from Lamars in Mission, KS. And if we can make it to the TV room (half a flight down from the kitchen and we both have sore, old knees ), we'll be watching!

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“I miss everyone I’ve ever loved.” Oh man…

Thank you

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Thanks. Today I was both the cookie monster and Shackelton. But I ate all the cookies myself and did the required shoveling after the plow did the long, long, far-too-long driveway. Yup: ice, snow, crust, then 2 inches of fluff on top. Memo to self: next year spend February in a place that is not gloomy, snowy, icy western New York. Maybe then I will need fewer cookies.

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"My fears about the world are your fears about the world". Perfect. I read your piece just after I got off a Zoom on the Renaissance. Discussion of the 1492 "paradigm shift" in Florence when Savonarola ....like Elon....slithered among the powerful of Florence and convinced them to destroy the Republic....even Botticelli allegedly destroy some of his paintings. There's always someone like him ready to spoil the party and bring mayhem. We were blessed by Cotton Mather. Of course, when the money markets became threatened Savonarola had to go so they burnt him up in the city square. And here we are in our paradigm shift....and my fears about the world are your fears........thank you for your writings.

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Savonarola was your typical religious kill joy. Making cash and getting famous. Jimmy Swaggart in the 15thc.? Italians can be suckers just like anyone, but do not mess with their art or wine on fine clothes. They will "cut a bitch"! When will Elon jus f*ing go to Mars? Please go and take you money, we don't need you.

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dang, how do keep churning this good stuff out?!—love this so much. that shackleton/richard exclamation point exchange is just hilarious🤣

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Churning it out is the right concept at the moment. The deadlines are demanding and R is as you know a font on tap just about. That exchange happened in real time.

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This is great. Xx

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I'm missing New York, while reading this. The memories will always be better than the reality of my time there--all twelve years that I lived and worked in Manhattan and Park Slope, Brooklyn. The sublime and the terrible, all in a few square miles.

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Ugh so I’ll always miss everyone I’ve ever loved

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You don’t have to! We’re not the same person.

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Maybe not everyone, but so far feels like I’ve just been accumulating more and more people to miss

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I always learn something when I read you dear Laurie.

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