I’ve noticed that in life, that men are better sleepers and I’ve always been jealous. I think it’s because of interpretative labor (term by David Graeber) or that the more oppressed party always has to do more brain work for survival

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Interesting, and I'll buy it. I also dislike sleep, so that doesn't help.

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Seriously considering how to get you out of my life ! My quiet Sunday mind racing with new, old and yet to be .. it’s all because of you. OWN IT

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Laughing. What's a quiet Sunday. xxL

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Husband asleep. Alvin my lab same after his breakfast . No news. Then you interrupted. My son. Now 41 when 2 years old , yelled from his bedroom, down a long hallway “I’M AWAKE!!!! “. Your post. Awoke me.

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Regardless of whether one joins you in the writing process, this is a marvelous paragraph that'll resonate for a while:

"Every sentence has a biography. Every sentence tells you about the life of the narrator through their vocabulary, their inclusion of foreign words, their syntax, grammar, and punctuation, their comic outlook, the music in their cadences. These elements swirl into a distinctive sound with the ability to seduce the reader into continuing. How do you make written language register with the immediacy and intimacy of spoken language?"

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“If you want to know how to flirt with a stranger, ask a dog.” Love the lines you tuck in in just the perfect (unexpected) spot.

Also, the novel writing month at the Flux Factory! What a dream. I am the sort of person who’d have gone for that in a second myself. :)

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Thank you, Laurie. I have not one but two favorite sentences from this - the one about talking to a dog, which I shared on Notes. And this one: “It was someone else’s idea, someone else’s art project, the way a play is someone else’s art project if you are an actor, and the way the world is someone else’s project if you are a female human.” It’s the truest thing I’ve read today. 🙏

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I too know a person who does not experience anxiety as a standing wave. He can experience it like we are "supposed to?" situationally, but has no dread before sleep, and therefore sleeps like a baby. I think of him as a character in a magical realism story where you can't quite believe they would ever exist. Sometimes I watch him subtly, hoping to catch some clue that would make his parlor trick obvious, and maybe even attainable?

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Good luck. Let me know if you learn it. I'm getting tired of brushing off sleep. xxL

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I have learned nothing. Hahaha! He's so "normal" is maddening..

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He probably uses sleep for off road adventures I can only dream of.

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I like this trait for a magical realism character. Sleeps like a baby. Walks across the street without thinking people are looking at him. Eases through parties never once wondering if he chose the right outfit. ;)

I’m with Laurie. Please share any forthcoming party tricks.

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So true & frustrating that men usually get to sleep easier. My husband rubs it in on me & says” he has a clear mind”.

True no regrets for him.

I also loved the horse story since reminded me of the last week with my sister. Her bday would have been yesterday so spent it reminiscing to feel her spirit in my bones. She was so deeply loved as your sister.

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You are making me verklempt. xxL

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My favorite line, Laurie: "The thing that is not a lie is the enchantment of language". I just love this. And your writing about your sister.

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Thanks for your comment. --Laurie

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This is the first post that I have read in a while that has made me want to just jump out of my bed, which is where I am right now with my cell phone, reading a few essays and write.

So many stories and one story and they all connect so nicely. Thank you.

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Thank you! I am hoping we will speak soon. xxL

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Love this post and your plan for old age. Getting two dogs and naming them Richard and Laurie. What a good idea! I’ve decided to name my Snake plant, Connie, after my dearly departed sister. I’m someone who talks to her plants anyway, but naming a specific plant after my sister brings her closer and changes the conversation. ❤️

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To be loved like that is a hand reaching out. - just keeps reverberating .

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oh, i love the story of your criss-crossed dreams! one of those ways life can have magic. lord knows we need them.

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That art installation you were in was SO New York.

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I adored it and all the Fluxies. Many of us are still close and in touch. xxL

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The Three Wide Men, in gangster suits, stalking down the Bethlehem street side by side looking for action.

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